Rescato el buen juego de cámara que hacen y repiten un par de veces con los espejos, eso fue lo que más me gustó. La pelea final sin más, un tipo con un hacha no puede esquivar maniquíes... pero bueno, puede suceder. La música me gustó, el problema es que se repetía siempre la misma, o al menos como 4 veces sonó, a mi me gustaba porque era jazz, pero podrían haber agregado alguna otra canción más/Good movie. Even though it is one of Kubrick's first (or first) films and knowing the low budget with which it was probably filmed, it is not bad, although it is not a masterpiece it is not a bad film either, it is just another cliché story, simply typical: a man falls in love with a girl who is the lover of a gangster and they fight over her.
I highlight the good camera game that they do and repeat a couple of times with the mirrors, that was what I liked the most. Just the final fight, a guy with an ax can't dodge mannequins... but hey, it can happen. I liked the music, the problem was that it was always repeated, or at least 4 times, I liked it because it was jazz, but they could have added another song